not your hollywood type movie
19 February 2004
I have seen the movie 3 times, although i must admit that the original scare that exist after watching it the first time was subdued. Nevertheless this is truly a good movie for all its worth. Hollywood has spoilt a lot of people in scare tactic movies with special effects and gore. Being fearful of the unknown is what makes this movie shines. Viewers who were disappointed are usually people who are skeptic about the unknown and fear....but let me put you in a senereo suppose you were in the woods of the blair witch and you know she exist because you have heard stories about her and you are trying to get to a certain destination in the woods but somehow just cannot get there (something like a twilight zone phenomena)you then become scared because you know after walking so long you end up at the same spot you began ....that would definately freak the hell out of me. Nightfall is approuching and you start to hear weird sounds and some weird tree designs and your imagination start running like crazy. This is what fear is all about.Those people who know about the great Alfred Hitchcock movies can relate to such suspense and fear. I would not even classify it as a horror movie its more of a suspense scary thriller very unique in its own way. Watch this movie by yourself in a dark room at night and i guarantee you will be thinking twice to turn the lights on. Forget about hollywood and the so called slasher movies that serves up everything on a platter the blair witch project is an artistic movie done in a creative way as a true documentary to smartly instill fear for those who wish to close their eyes and imaging.
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