The video box gave away the ending!
10 January 2000
Okay, this isn't the greatest film of the year, but it's not completely incompetent, and it would be an okay video rental for a cold winter night (which it was when I rented it last night). But the video box has some action photos on the back, including one character holding a sharp instrument to another character's throat. Trouble is, that scene happens at the very end of the movie, after some 90 minutes of speculation about the identity of the killer. The characters may have been speculating on-screen, but home viewers knew the answer before leaving the rental shop.

The movie's about a serial killer whose killings have something to do with religion, and the atheist cop who's trying to stop the killer. Not terribly complex, although it wants to be. But any hint of complexity was eradicated by the video box!

I'd really like to be able to say more about the movie, but it was ruined for me. Remember the trailer for "Ransom", in which THE key plot element--Mel Gibson announces that the ransom is a reward--was revealed? Or the one for "The Negotiator", in which Kevin Spacey announces, "Now you'll have to deal with both of us?" Those films were pretty much ruined by their trailers' giving away the plot...but at least there was a little (VERY little) suspense in seeing the last 30 minutes of each movie.

Not "A Twist of Faith", though. There was no suspense. The very end of the movie was revealed right up front, so all of the this-man-is-above-suspicion and he's-practically-a-saint gyrations were clearly just a waste of the audience's time, until the character gets around to holding a sharp instrument to someone else's throat.

If you decide to see the movie, send someone else to the video shop for you, and have them hand you the tape without the box. Watch it without seeing the box first, and see how you like the movie. I'd like to see viewer comments from anyone who didn't have the entire movie spoiled for him, like I did.
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