Lovers Lane (2000)
Worthless, cheap-looking teeny-bopper slasher trash.
21 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Based on that old urban legend, this low-budget loser features a hook-handed killer who stuck it to a man and woman on Valentine's Day getting it on at Lover's Lane. 13 years later, his escape from the state mental hospital coincides with the murders of a bunch of obnoxious high school kids played by a hand picked cast of no-talent nobodies who resemble your favorite teen dream stars of today!

See the Mena Suvari knock-off who keeps her American BEAUTY-style cheerleading uniform on for the entire movie before taking a hook to the most private of personal areas. Or Tara Reid telling Freddie Prinze, Jr. to do her or "I'll kill your f@#!@t ass!" before both get their necks slashed. And there's the Nick Carter clone with a weird mom who sometimes wears a wig and punches out a drunken teen tramp Parker Posey knock-off at a bowling alley.

The killer is kept hidden in the shadows for the most part and writes scary messages like "Prison food sucks" (??) in blood on a wall. Written directly on the video is a warning about "Nudity, Graphic Violence, Strong Sexual Content and Adult Language," which adds up to a bunch of offscreen deaths and two topless scenes that are too dark to see. At least Friday THE 13TH and other 80s slasher movies didn't skimp on our basic human need for gore, nudity and action.

The ridiculous ending, however, is hilarious, if you can wait that long. This was made around the Seattle area.
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