Just when you thought it was safe to listen to John Denver . . .
24 March 2000
Chalk this up to another really good premise ruined with an atrocious script and an unoriginal follow through. What would have been interesting to find out is why Devon Sawa's character was let in on Death's design but this is not the flaw of this film. With some hilarious death scenes and general overall creepy tone, Final Destination could have been the next Scream (which every horror film released since 1996 has been so desperately trying to be). However, Final Destination does not have the same tongue-in-cheek sense of humor that Scream had. The film takes itself way too seriously when it just should have had more fun with its good ideas. Instead the audience is forced to listen to a ludicrous dialogue. With that said, the film is actually a blast if expectations are held low. The death scenes are extremely graphic and were usually unexpected. If it weren't for the bus killing and the beheading, Final Destination would just be another House on Haunted Hill, The Haunting, Disturbing Behavior, Urban Legend, etc., etc., etc.
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