Cabin by the Lake (2000 TV Movie)
comedy?? on purpose??
1 February 2000
Warning: Spoilers
**slight spoilers but really, it doesn't matter**

Good grief, Charlie Brown. I just had to be the first to post about this one! An eerie idea and Judd's cool nostrils almost make this a nifty thriller/horror movie. Hedy Buress (whom I like from Foxfire) is the one chick who gets away from Judd's silly serial killer/B-movie screenplay writer. The creepy underwater "garden" is pretty cool (looks like a PJ Harvey video) but the rest is laughable. Mallory is terrified of water, but after she is almost drowned twice she suddenly loves to swim! She forms some sort of bizarro love/hate bond with Judd's character. But this is listed as a part-"comedy". Was this a last-minute idea, since the only comical characters are Judd's goofball agent and director? And what a campy ending! A blond, goateed Judd Nelson smirks at us in the last frame as if to say "pretty darn stupid, huh kids?" Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?
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