Interesting adaptation of poetry on film...
15 September 2001
1st watched 9/14/2001 - 6 out of 10(Dir-Raul de Silva): Interesting adaptation of poetry on film, as well as a short documentary on the poet(Samuel Coleridge) in the 1st half of this video. Not quite as breathtaking as it could have been if they had decided to actually make a movie about this, but this is definetly a different art form and it should be valued as that and not compared to a movie rendition. Redgrave keeps you captivated by his consistent influctuations in his voice in the parts that needed it. The animation was ok but not spectacular but it did give you a little help in following the story if you don't happen to be a good listener of olde English(like myself). All in all this is a different and interesting viewing experience, which is always good to have when you've watched hundred of movies like myself.
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