Janice Beard (1999)
A half decent britflick. Worth a rent.
8 September 2002
Having just watched this film for the first time on Channel 4, I was compelled to leave some feedback for others to read...

Rhys Ifans...This guy is quickly becoming the Welsh Tom Hanks. He's been in more crumby movies than he should have, but every time he gives a first rate performance (excluding his OTT drug dealing character in, '51st State'). His doesn't let down here. A sterling performance coupled with an excellent London-ish accent. Good job.

Eileen Walsh (I) doesn't really have the strong presence needed to carry off her leading role with vigour. But she does have a certain endearing charm that one can't help but get attached to whilst she navigates her journey. Pretty good.

For some reason, this movie goes from well shot cinematic sequences, to borderline amateurish looking set pieces and locales. Some scenes are lit poorly (not enough to disgust, but slightly annoy) and the camera seems static at times. Like I said, this won't be noticeable to all. But to someone who's studies the art of film; it's a slight let down. From hero to zero in a few frames...a bummer but not the end of the world.

The actual story isn't particular strong, or witty. However, a bucket load of decent English actors carry the film through to its very quick conclusion (only 81 minutes long!?!)...Others performances are solid and keep the ship afloat.

Overall, I was just impressed Channel 4 had given a low budget English movie some coverage. Films like this usually get made and then disappear with out a trace. We Should thank Channel 4 (or Ifans latest role in, 'Once Upon A Time In The Midlands') for tonight's showing.which on reflection, was well worth the effort.

Laterz all.
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