Very minor picture is sub-atomically more professional than it probably should be.
19 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
*Minor spoilers*

Unrenowned U.S./Phillipines co-venture involves treasure-hunters plundering an ancient sea vessel which is also the watery tomb of a Mori princess. When her manacled skeleton is heedlessly set free, the bones transform into a naked girl wearing an ugly witch mask over her face. As you've probably guessed, nearby island natives begin to die mysteriously, and some suspect that the ages-old curse of the Deathhead Virgin is to blame. Things aren't necessarily all that they seem, however, as the story takes some hairpin turns during the final-third.

THE DEATHHEAD VIRGIN is a fairly watchable and not inefficiently formulated low-budget horror-drama(and Diane McBain is gorgeous in a slingshot bikini). Still, there's nothing of any real distinction to make this recommendable(unless your dying to see what is possibly the world's longest spread of opening credits). It's miles short of a legitimately good film, but it is a wee bit more professional than I had anticipated.

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