Review of 100 Girls

100 Girls (2000)
...AND ONLY 3 GUYS, it seems.
24 January 2003
As I flip through the many movie channels that digital cable offers I sometimes come across a flick I've never heard of that turns out to be pretty decent. 100 GIRLS at first didn't seem too promising: HBO2, 1:15 a.m., another direct-to-video teen sex comedy starring B-actors I vaguely remember from other forgettable movies. But, although 100 GIRLS doesn't approach greatness, it doesn't try to, and that's what makes this movie such a pleasantly innocuous comedy.

The plot of 100 GIRLS is negligible, and not worth repeating. The lack of a compelling storyline allows some pretty astute observations about the eternal battle of the sexes, using a sometimes annoying voice-over narration, several flashbacks and other cinematic devices to endear the viewer to Matt, our hero. And since I didn't have to think about the plot, I was free to beat myself up trying to remember where I've seen these actors before. Thanks to IMDb, I can sleep easy tonight: Of course! THE VIRGIN SUICIDES! DETROIT ROCK CITY! (See what I mean about "other forgettable movies"?) And the "ugly" (???) chick is Marissa Ribisi, the red-head in DAZED AND CONFUSED that Matthew McConaughey puts the moves on! I'm always pleased to see less famous alumnae of Richard Linklater's '93 stoner classic pop up in random movies (where have you gone, Sasha Jenson?).

[And while I'm completely off-topic, let me take this time to reflect on Katherine Heigl's stunning beauty and voluptuous figure. When she wrestled Matt to the floor while almost popping out of her red bra, I had a moment of heterosexual lust I haven't felt in ages. If "conversion therapy" is indeed possible, please tell Ms. Heigl that she jumpstarted my journey back into the arms of Christianity. Who knew the brat from MY FATHER, THE HERO would make it big (so to speak)?]

And sex leads me back to 100 GIRLS. You know, for an allegedly hetero movie, there's quite a bit of a queer presence felt throughout it. Drag, male-on-male tittie twisting, and lipstick lesbianism are sprinkled here and there, and the cad ex-boyfriend is frequently shirtless before and up to the scene when he's "forced" to strip to his skivvies during strip foosball with another beefed-up jock type. What's going on here? I'm certainly not complaining, but to say these instances stretch believability is to put it mildly.

Which bring me to my bitch session: Numerous details in 100 GIRLS don't seem plausible. Isn't there a more productive, realistic way for Matt to find his dream girl that to infest the girl's dorm with vermin to be able to pose as an exterminator in order to find a bra that matches the panties she left behind? Do female coeds walk around in various stages of undress at any time of the day? Are they all paying their way through college by modeling the latest from Victoria's Secret? How did they all get their own dorms (which seem larger than my whole apartment)? Would a man who had his tongue bitten off (in a jarring, unnecessarily bloody scene) not report it to the police, go to the hospital, or even try to retain his lost body part? Why does nobody (not even his roommate) recognize Matt in a wig and a skirt? Do straight guys continue to masturbate when their roommate walks in? Do these students go to any class besides the one for women's studies (which directly relates to the plot)? Why does Matt pine for the hot blonde with whom he has had no meaningful communication? Are these the only two dorms on campus? And on what planet is the lovely Marissa Ribisi deemed "the ugly chick"?

And Matt's final monologue is well delivered and rather sweet, but sounds more like a written speech than a spontaneous declaration. But such inconsistencies don't really distract the viewer from enjoying what is, essentially, an innocent romp with flashes of intelligence (and kink; are college students familiar with ben wa balls and penile enlargers?). It's disappointing to realize that tasteless dreck like SORORITY BOYS and SLACKERS got big theatrical pushes but a generally sweet comedy like 100 GIRLS was banished to the shelves of Blockbuster.

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