Bamboozled (2000)
Completely horrible filmmaking as usual by Lee ---
8 March 2002
This film sucks.

I had given up on Spike Lee after watching his previous films. Everytime I vowed not to waste anymore timing watching his garbage, I'd watch another, hoping I'd finally see a good film of his. So two years after it came out, I said ok, I'll give him ONE more chance and rented "Bamboozled." What a mistake.

The funny thing is, like with most of Lee's films, the premise of "Bamboozled" is actually quite promising and probably would have worked if only a capable filmmaker was behind it. (However, the fact that the whole country went ballistic when Ted Danson put on blackface that one time doesn't do the premise any good.) The truth is, Lee is a horrible filmmaker and that's why his movies bomb.

For whatever reason in the world, Spike Lee still has that "pimply-faced know-nothing NYU film student" mentality, where he feels if he does a few odd things with the camera and audio and goes for an "artsy" feel, that it'll be a success. Well, it isn't. It's a big failure. Many of Lee's fans (and maybe Lee himself?) may give that old line of "well, you just don't get it" or "it's over your head" or something similar. Well, that's a bunch of crap. There is nothing here to "get." "Bamboozled" is such a hack piece of garbage, it doesn't come across as "profound," "deep" or anything else the typical NYU film student feels he or she is so good at expressing. The movie just plain and simply sucks.

Most of the actors are decent enough, although a Wayans in the top role doesn't help either. Damon Wayans is straining so hard to get his part right, it hurts just watching him. Some may say, "he's camping it up." Well if he is, he's doing it very poorly.

Watching this movie felt like watching some kid from heck, not just NYU, any high school film class who threw a whole bunch of garbage together in the guise of "profoundness" and "deepness." There is no message in "Bamboozled" no matter how much someone wants to say there is. It appears the only reason this "film" was made in the first place, was as an excuse to remind the ten people who saw it in the theaters that there were such things as minstrel shows and people performing in blackface.

I wonder how many of the few viewers actually even realize that there actually was a real actor dubbed "Sleep 'N Eat" (more originality by Mr. Lee).

But, I'm glad I did finally see this film. Because it was definitely the slap in the face that finally convinced me never again to waste my time viewing any future Spike Lee films. He has to be the most talentless so-called "maker of films" out there today.
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