The 6th Day (2000)
Just when you THOUGHT it was safe to go home after a long day of work...
2 March 2002
Arnold ("might be back?") as a futuristic charter pilot named Adam who starts off in the film with what seems to be the trappings of a normal life: beautiful wife, daughter, exciting occupation, nice home in a quiet residential setting and good friends. He is shocked into a living nightmare when he arrives home one night only to see an exact duplicate of himself celebrating "his" birthday party! He quickly learns of a sixth day violation; he was cloned illegally by an evil corporation and should have been "terminated" earlier. He is very soon attacked by goons sent by that same company that seek to eliminate him to cover up their previous error. He battles his way past them (repeatedly)(ouch!!) all the way to the corporate headquarters to confront the top culprits in this high tech game of deception. Nothing can stop him and he even teams up with "himself" to put things back to normal. This film HAS to be added to your collection of DVD action movies as there is no way you can appreciate it fully if seen only once. Arnold Schwarzenegger is just a GREAT actor and even is able to mix the role of action hero and loving husband and father in the same movie. Just get yourself a copy and patiently wait for him to "be back" in Terminator III!
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