Review of Unbreakable

Unbreakable (2000)
A remarkable follow up to The Sixth Sense
27 November 2000
M. Night has proved that the success of The Sixth Sense was no fluke with is by far the best film of a sub-par Y2K. Unbreakable is an unbelievably well told first chapter to a super-hero story, with Willis as the torn hero and Jackson as the mentor. Willis, Jackson, and Robin Wright Penn have never been better. Hauntingly poetic, Unbreakable builds slowly to its climax so when it finally arrives it hits you like a ton of bricks. Beautifully shot and acted, Unbreakable becomes what all movies should strive to be . . . a film that once the credits roll, you want to watch it again, immediately. Words do this film no justice.
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