Chameleon II: Death Match (1999 TV Movie)
Predator meets Diehard in a half decent picture
26 December 2000
If anything positive should be said about "Chameleon II: Death Match" its that it IS entertaining. The cast also does a surprisingly good job of working with the B movie script. My largest complaint is that its almost a complete rip-off of classics like "Die Hard and "Predator". And Bruce Willis didn't need to be invisible to take out Hans. But however unoriginal the story is it is no worse than its predecessor its just 11 years too late...

The special effects used to make Bobbie Phillips vanish are impressive although that is basically a known element to the series. It is still impressive regardless. Also various lighting effects made this pleasurable from a tech standpoint to watch.

The formula is so used that it is painful to watch at points. The black women in charge but out of the action, the robbers who feel that they are in complete control (where do they get this idea?) and go through the process of their robbery like Hamlet making a choice, and the cliched lines make this film seem like the mother of all sequels. If it wasn't so easy to find the many parallels throughout to films I have seen before I would have no problem giving this movie higher than a 6.5 . Its unoriginality is so blatant that I am forced to hand a flat 6 to this high quality B Movie. Worth the watch if your local Video store is robbed and they leave this movie and "Water World".
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