Review of Kippur

Kippur (2000)
A beautiful but boring and uninspired war(?) movie
30 August 2001
I did not like this movie very much. Maybe because I was so disappointed. I really looked forward to se a film from a great Israeli director, and a movie about a conflict that I have never seen on film before. Sadly, this movie did not deliver any of the tension, horror and emotional intensity that great war movies do. It did not tell an interesting story and it lacked interesting characters and dialogues. It did have one interesting sex scene, with a lot of paint, though.

One thing that struck me was, that despite this is a movie about a war, it only comprehended a few seconds of actual warfare. Most of the time there was endless dragging scenes that only contained waiting, silence or walking around on a muddy field. Actually, there was not much of a plot at all.

This movie is said to be a realistic war movie. Well, I imagine it is realistic in a way, because i believe it's like this war looks like, for the average soldier, in an average war: most of the time nothing happens but waiting and waiting. And when things do happen, it's probably very bad and lasts for a very brief moment.

If you want to see a slow but realistic and terrifying war movie, with more "psychological" than pyrotechnical action; go and see "Das Boot". "Das Boot" is a very intense and touching movie with great acting, and compared to this, "Kippur" is nothing.

But despite the many bad things, this film has some interesting and unusual features. The opening sequence for instance. It´s very beautiful. The movie also gives us a sence of the confusion and anxiety that hit the Israeli people in the opening days of the war, as a result of a carefully planned and executed surprise attack. One other thing is, that it gives some brief examples of the Israeli tanks, like the British built Centurion, and tank tactics used in the Yom Kippur war. Actually, I get a feeling that the film is probably very accurate altogether, when it comes down to details. However, the film never gives away that in reality, the fighting that took place in the Golan area featured one of the largest and most furious tank battles ever. This movie is far from fierce or furious.

Another interesting, but in some aspects unfortunate, feature, is that we are not allowed to see any Syrian soldiers or vehicles at all. In fact, the only enemies that are present, are the confusion, disorder, low moral and lack of information and command within parts of the Israeli army. And the occasional stray bullet (or missile)of course. This storyteller "trick" can be very effective, like in Das Boot (of course), "Blair witch ..." or "Alien", for instance. You never actually se the danger (or almost never), but you know it is there all the time. This can be very effective and thrilling, but unfortunately it's not the result in this movie.

My advise to you is - don't waste time or money on this movie. If you want to see a great war movie; go and see Das Boot, Apocalypse now or The thin red line. And if you are only interested in Israeli tanks, you should probably watch Discovery instead.
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