The Oblongs (2001–2002)
When this show comes on, I unplug the phones
23 November 2002
I really like cartoons that target adult audiences. They don't hold back as much as Primetime comedies. The Oblongs is a perfect example of an adult cartoon that is loaded with non-PC content, but is so richly hilarious, that even the most rigid of critics should have sympathy. Its about a family of defective misfits, all altered somehow by a swamp filled with chemical waste that is located in their backyard. What is so great about the Oblongs, aside from the wonderful voice acting of Jean Smart as the savvy, alcoholic mother, and Will Ferrel as the armless and legless, but tender and soft father, is the absurd concepts and rapid-fire humor that is consistent in every episode. I would recommend this show to any adult who is not insulted by tasteless(but fabulous) jokes, or to any kid that has enough self-control not to go jump in to a chemical waste dump. Great cartoon comedy. Watch it if you have the chance.
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