Blood Surf (2000 Video)
Blood Surfing is cool, specially with a "crocodile".
5 September 2004
Blood Surf... It still isn't the best crocodile movie i've seen but enjoyable for the sport of surfing on shark infested waters and staying trapped in an island with a giant crocodile. Of course the effects are bad, and the mechanical beast is not to bad, it only looks like a rubber crocodile. And the croc as blue eyes, Strange did you ever seen a crocodile with blue eyes? I guess not. And why all that porno stuff was it to entertain or to only burn time in the film to look like a long movie. Some scenes in the movie that I asked my self somme questions where: The scene when the boat is sinking and the croc appears, the croc bites that guy in half and guy is still alive! And there was no blood dripping, strange. Another one is when those two girls crossed the river the crocodile stopped chasing them, why? Do crocodiles don't know how to swim? or was it scared of the water? Actually I don't know. The actors and actresses acted a bit bad but personally it wasn't that bad, and the story where was it? So after saying all this I am still looking for it on DVD, Because I even liked the damned movie. I don't know why but I like it. 6/10
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