Ghosthunter (2000)
A short film with an A-list to die for!
29 November 2000
With a cast boasting such stalwarts as Frank Finlay and shot under the watchful eye of Freddie Francis, Ghosthunter is not only graced with class acting and a strong visual style but also benefits from a memorable and considered soundtrack.

Given the constraints of the short film genre, notoriously underfunded, under-resourced and shot to cruelly tight deadlines, Ghosthunter sets a style and pace others would do well to learn from.

As a first film, Simon Corris has chosen the subject matter well, the traditional Gothic Ghost Story (always popular) with a contemporary twist. The direction is assured and tight, lingering when appropriate, not because he likes the shot!

But what is equally impressive is the list of actors, technicians and support he, along with producer Alison Reddihough (also credited as screenwriter), have been able to bring on board to the project.

If there are any criticisms it would be to do with the length, I fond myself wanting to know much more of the overall story, but then again, this bodes well for a sequel, or should that be prequel?
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