Remo Williams: The Prophecy (1988 TV Movie)
Saw it, but don't remember much.
20 June 2004
This was actually aired, at least once. I saw it, being a fan of the books, but was not impressed. Roddy McDowell was O.K. as Chiun, though of course not up to Joel Grey's standard, but the guy who played Remo was a complete stiff. There was a fight on roller skates, but since this was a pilot for a TV series, there was no actual killing -- odd they'd make a show about the world's greatest assassins, and then allow no killing. I vaguely recall it being on a Sunday night, and possibly on A.B.C., but haven't seen hide nor hair of it since. Just as well, because the "real" movie was a thousand times better -- trust me on this, even if you hated it. Too bad, because now that they have special effects that can make even Keanu Reeves look like a stone killer, the Destroyer series is just aching to be made into movies. Until then, we have to settle for the likes of "Equilibrium," and, of course, Jet Li.
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