Review of Dummy

Dummy (2002)
Simple yet complex
30 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers I wanted a title which sounds good. Will you blame me for that? There is some sincerity in it though. A few spoilers will follow. Nothing major...I hope. Nah. There aren't really big spoilers to this movie. That's the simple part.

A "kid", who is around 30 years old, gets fired...he's got no girlfriend, he's got no accomplishments, he's got nothing. Yep, you've guessed it! A so called, apparent, L-O-S-E-R. As the story does develop we will get to see that he ain't as much of a loser as he seemed at the beginning. To be sincere, I don't know for who he looked like a loser, except for his sister(who, if you can imagine, comes to the conclusion that she is a loser!). Well, this "kid" decides to be a ventriloquist and so his life takes a new turn. He meets the love of his life at the office for the ones who are not employed...strange, right? If you do think it does make sense: where can one meet someone special if not in a...rather special place. Or...maybe that's just me being romantic.

I've got a little problem getting all my thoughts together. I always think so much on every movie, during the movie and after it, that I always get to forget what I've thought when writing the review. So you should know that there are usually more arguments to my decisions than the ones I present. I meant to say that this movie doesn't impress. It doesn't leave a mark. It isn't even very funny. Not the movie. But the characters...that's another story.

Academy award winner Adrien Brody...beautiful Milla Jovovich. Two things which you might want in one person. It seems that these things to come better separated in individual beings. On one hand, Milla seems a little bit too punk-like. That's my impression. And it's quite strange that she knows so few people...what's even stranger is the fact that one of the few people she does know is "the loser", named as me(well, the English version of my name), Steven. These things just aren't natural. But maybe that is the purpose of a movie: to present some unencountered events. Strange and illogic as they sometimes are. So Milla seems too much of a punk. But she's fun. She's...Milla. I personally enjoy watching her and that isn't just because I'm a guy. Maybe it's because of Resident Evil...maybe it's just because she seems so eager to live her life. You decide.

The award winner...well, he seems like made for his part. His face, his gestures, his...everything. Brody is good and talented, most certainly. I'm waiting to see his performance in the praised "The Pianist".

What's quite interesting is the dummy. I always tend to call it puppet. Ain't they the same? Anyway, the dummy represents a part of Steven. It is a part of Steven. Steven is shy...the dummy is the "courageous" part out of him. It really is easier for Steven to express himself through the dummy and that's also the reason why he takes it with him everywhere. Even on his dates with that attractive, young lady he takes it with him...quite logic if you've read my arguments.

I hope I've said enough to make you interested. The movie is worth a look, despite its comic look(brought especially at the end by the "encounter") I just can't understand this strange way to calculate the average marks at imdb...such a big difference between the mark we saw and the average mark. Oh mark is a 7.5/10
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