Review of Ignition

Ignition (2001)
Ignition fizzles! - SPOILERS
23 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Deep corruption in the federal government, an evil powerful official with a conspiracy to assassinate the President, and one man (Pullman) who can save the day while saving his love interest (Olin) and wading through a sea of armed assassins and a convoluted web of intrigue. Sound familiar?? Well, that's "Ignition"; a recycled B-flick contrivance and a journeyman production with just enough action and busy-ness to make it over the bar. Raggedy around the edges with some fire fights and pyro, this budget conscious flick offers marginal human drama, a weak romantic thread, no airborne vehicles, intense stunts, sex, martial arts, or other titillators. Mediocre stuff for Pullman fans and couch potatoes eager for some no-brainer action. (C)
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