29 days after September 11th
1 October 2001
I saw this film over the summer and it became one of my absolute favourites. It is a FILM - you cannot tell others about it in words. That's just wrong media. I mean there are so many layers in this film (layers of black, white and gray, light, dark, noises, body language, behaviour, meanings of words and so forth)!

Nevertheless, I would not write a commentary (I've never done such a thing). However, after the tragedy that happened September 11th, this film has become very relevant in my mind. You see I am not religious at all but this film was the one that brought me closest to becoming a believer in God. To make it simpler than it is: according to the story of Werckmeister harmonies, the simple people of this small town are offered a choice of seeing one of God's perfect creatures - the giant whale -, or to follow someone - a weird, mystical little dwarf (?), the Duke -, who is spreading some rumours and agitating the people. So there is the problem of choice, distinguishing what is ultimately important. Then there is the problem of communications between people. Which does not really exist. And then there is this desire for being led by strong, aggressive men, who Know the Truth...

Well, I hope I did not deter anyone from seeing the film, with my narrow interpretation of it. As I said, it is just one layer. If you like complex ideas, films that stay with you longer than the evening you've seen them, this one is definitely for you.
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