Strong Medicine (2000–2006)
Strong Feminist Propaganda
27 June 2004
In the 1970s, TV 'doctor' shows often promoted minority agenda with story lines in which an all-knowing minority MD would come on the scene to save a desperate patient from ignorant white, university docs, who just couldn't come up with the correct 'zebra' diagnosis. Afterwards, all the white docs would grovel at the feet of the hallowed minority doc, and the latter would disappear from the series, never to be seen again. 'Strong Medicine' runs in the same vein, but the 'cause' promoted in this unrealistic series is the super-human female MD, better known as the feminist MD. Again, these femmes are all-knowing, overly familiar with every possible disease known to woman (heaven forbid to man), and have attitudes which go along with the farce. Worst of the lot is Dr. 'Lu' Delgado, made even more unpleasant by the gigantic chips permanently rooted on both of her tiny, Hispanic shoulders. Tiny, yes, but loud-mouthed and ever-ready to jump on a screaming, ranting, raving, feminist soapbox, should ANY man look at her in ANY way remotely romantic or behaves in a non-subservient manner toward her. After all, she was raped at some point earlier in her life, according to the plots, and she's never recovered completely from the ordeal. Therefore, she mentally castrates all men and does little to hide her utter contempt for them. 'Strong Medicine' is perfectly suited for the feminist-oriented Lifetime Channel.
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