Simply one of the worst movies ever made and a stain on the career of everyone involved.
3 November 2002
This has got to be one of the biggest disappointments of the year for me. I know that the first Black Mask was no work of art, and that without Jet Li this movie wasn't going to be all that to begin with, but when I heard Tsui Hark was directing and producing, especially after the excellent Time and Tide, and that Yuen Wo Ping was doing the fight scenes I had high hopes it would rise above it's B-List cast of actors and wrestlers, especially the unknown in the lead role. Imagine a blend of the first Black Mask, toss in elements of MANIMAL, SWAMP THING 2, GUYVER 2 and the prerequisite MATRIX, and throw in some over the top WWF and comic book gimmicks and you might have some idea on what to expect, and I dont mean this in a good way. From terrible acting all around( I mean, c'mon, most are wrestlers) to some really horrid F/X and tremendous use of wires, there's nothing to recommend besides the few glimpses of some decent fighting and what started out as almost being a cool blend of an over the top action and comic book movie. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
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