A Horifffic Omen of Things to Come
11 January 2003
Black Mask 2 is not a kung fu movie, it's glitzy, over-budgeted, loathsome piece of garbage. I would rather eat bad meat then see it again.

As I watched I did not wonder why Jet Li refused to reprise his role, I wondered whether they even bothered sending him the script. The director of this movie should have been put on Ritalin. Camera shots are never held for more than a second (it's like watching MTV on fast forward), making you disoriented, and never quite able to discern what's going on. The mind melting quickness of the shots are only equaled by their p*** poor selection. The camera stares straight into lights, moves through actors, and moves around so fast you think you're on a flight simulator. To sweeten the pot, Black Mask 2 features a script so convoluted, unlikely, and out of touch, that it makes you feel like handing the screen writers behind Vin Diesel movies an Oscar.

The Kung Fu choreography reminds you of the way a director would have Tom Hanks fight; actual, impressive maneuver are completely replaced by fights confined to camera pans and zooms. Special effects are frequent, superfluous, and downright stupid. Everything that was wrong with Blade 2 can be found here multiplied to the tenth power. This movie is devoid of watchable content.

This movie will make you wish you were DEAD. I suggest it whole heartedly to my enemies.

0 out of any conceivable number of stars
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