An improvement over the first two
7 April 2001
Yeah, there still is the annoying chant of "gotta catch 'em all", there still is the blatant merchandising angles, the little critters are just as annoying as they always have been, and the whole disturbing cockfighter mentality is still very much intact.

What sets this film above the first two is the sometimes imaginative and visually impressive use of CG, and the story in itself. Yeah, the story is every bit as hypocritical as one could expect from Pokemon (fight, fight, fight, but then state that brutality outside of the realms of good "friendly" sportsmanship is bad). But there actually is some substance in the plot, which is essentially about a lonely little girl who is very much intent on separating herself from the harsh reality of not having her parents around. Yes, there actually are some very thoughtful moments in this movie.

Granted, it is not enough for me to take back every bad thing that I have ever said about Pokemon, but it was a rather pleasant surprise. This movie still is far from being a classic, but it is easily the best thing to ever have come out of the whole Pokemon craze.

6 out of 10.
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