Review of Door to Door

Door to Door (2002 TV Movie)
Uplifting story of a man who wouldn't let his disability hold him back.
14 July 2002
Bill Porter was born with cerebral palsy. As he tells a friend, "The doctor squeezed my head too tight when I was born." Bill had a good sense of humor, we believe he was just making a joke. His dad had been an award-winning salesman, and Bill wanted to follow in his footsteps, but was letting his disability hold him back. Until he told the head of sales, "Give me your worst route, the one no one wants. If I succeed, you're a hero. If I fail, you've lost nothing." Bill finds it very rough going at first, but eventually succeeds by getting to know all his customers and gaining their trust.

Bill Macy is just fabulous as Bill Porter. In this film they let his ears protrude naturally, instead of pinning them back as they have done for all his other films. The story spans 42 years, from 1955 when he gets his first job, to 1997 when he gets his route back after they have closed the door-to-door division, instead selling by phone and the internet. He realized he missed the human element too much.
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