Door to Door (2002 TV Movie)
Great story, excellently acted and produced
16 July 2002
Based on the true story of Bill Porter, this movie showcases a rarity: An admirable man. Movies today are so full of meanness, of violence, of generally nasty people, that this small movie about a man who insisted on earning his own way in life just shines like a beacon. William H. Macy's performance is award caliber. Actually everyone in the film is believable, and most are likeable and all are interesting. Even though I saw this great movie on a Ted Turner cable channel, I loved it, and recommend it to everyone. In fact, as a thank you, I rushed out the next day to buy the sponsor's product, elastic bandages. Johnson & Johnson really deserve our gratitude for presenting this marvelous story of a man who refused to accept anyone else's lack of belief in him. Bill Porter is a hero for modern America; this movie is inspiring.
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