Interesting, but unsatisfying
28 October 2003
There were many parts of this movie that I found moving, but, particularly towards the end it came across more like a daytime soap than a serious movie.

The premise is that a woman who has been desperately hurt by finding out that her husband was bi-sexual can be won over easily to understanding of first his lover and also his friends and other life. That in itself is a bit hard to believe, but suspending disbelief, this is an entertaining, albeit somewhat puzzling movie.

The viewer is deliberately manipulated (was I the only one who thought first of AIDS when she became ill?)it was even something of a letdown to find out that she was pregnant - very Days of our Lives! The mother/daughter relationship is manipulated a trifle too much - and why I wonder did she not tell her mother the truth? I also found the ending confusing - why tell everyone one thing and then do another? Can we assume that she had come to terms with herself - if so, it was a strange way to carry it out.

All of this is a pity - for this is an interesting and gripping movie, which could have been a lot better. I recommend it be viewed as entertainment only without asking too many questions.
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