Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002 Video)
Evil. Deadly. Unwatchable.
15 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
[Slight Spoilers Ahead]

OOOO DOGGIES! This movie stinks! PEE-YEW!!!

I know I shouldn't expect much from direct-to-video horror flicks, that the best I'll probably get is the likes of "Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest". But after the relatively competent execution of "Hellraiser: Inferno" I had slightly higher hopes for this installment in the long running series. Thanks for dashing my dreams for a better tomorrow, "Hellraiser: Hellseeker"!

Thanks for going through the trouble of ressurecting Kristy Cotton's character, as well as bringing back the yumcious Ashley Lawrence (currently trapped in the purgatory of Geico commercials)- ONLY TO KILL HER OFF IN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES! You suck, movie! Instead of enjoying another satanic-cat-and-mouse game between her and Pinhead (series regular Doug Bradley, who may as well be a Spencer's Gifts Halloween Mask and a speaker phone at this point) we get to watch Kristy's boring husband in poorly acted scenes on cheap sets over and over and over again. And not different poorly acted scenes- the same poorly acted scenes again... and again... and again.

Why would any Hellraiser fan want to watch the dull goings on in the drab police station? I can watch any of the hundreds of cop shows on TV for that brand of "entertainment". I want to see S&M torture and gore and gross/beautiful creatures! (Besides the briefly glimpsed Pinhead, there are two other Cenobites in this, shot primarily in dark shadows for the few seconds they appear, a far cry from the trio of neat 'bites in "Inferno").

I'd tell you to steer clear of this ill-concieved, poorly-executed mess, but I know Hellraiser fans won't be able to resist (really lame Pinhead is better than no Pinhead). And I know I'll probably rent the next two installments of this failing franchise as long as they keep churning them out. This is my own personal hell, and it's all straight to video.
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