Blood Red Planet (2000 Video)
1 dollar and a bag of empties CAN a movie make!
17 December 2003
I thought I've seen low budget before, but this movie is the icing that was scrapped off the cake before the cake was taken back for a refund.

Blood Red Planet spent its entire budget on the purchase of 5 blanks VHS tapes to dump it to, the rest of the movie was done A-Team style, as far as I can tell.

I can hear the A-Team theme song playing now. Mark Polonia is welding together a set made out of discarded car parts. John McBride is picking smoke detectors out of the trash and labelling them "space mines". Hey a weed-whipper mask. This will make a great space suit helmet!

The scene of the creature attack at the end doesn't have to be seen to be disbelieved. I haven't laughed so hard since Feeders 2 and the infamous emotionless kids sequences.

You have to love the Polonias. I mean they can do for 1 dollar what it took John Travolta MILLIONS to do with Battlefield Earth.

If you like bad movies, and love to roll on the floor in disbelief, see this movie.

Seriously though, these guys get credit for making their movies, flying in the face of funding and available actors, they're doing it anyways. Logic and reality be damned! Their spirit is truly to be commended.

Perhaps someday they'll surprise us all and be the next success story.

Perhaps Feeders will fly out of my butt too ;)
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