Red Betsy (2003)
What art movie
2 May 2004
I am amazed this is getting praise. I can't understand what anyone sees in this movie. The poster makes it look like an arty drama, but there is nothing artistic about this. The directing was boring, the acting - besides Allison I guess - was bad, and the story was horribly put together. They tried to show the relationship between a woman and her father in law...fine, good idea. But do a good job

with it at least. The dialogue was awful, the characters weren't developed at all, and the plot turned into a Disney movie, with Mr. Scrooge coming out of his hermit existence to save the day. And I don't by the Fathers sudden change into seclusion either. This was just an amateur independent movie that has become way overrated.

Good day, Sir. 2/5
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