A Really Great Film To Bring Back Memories Of The Past
9 August 2002
I have been a huge Gilligan's Island fan since the day I was born, and after reading that they were making a "reunion" style movie based on the making I was VERY excited. From the first second, the colors are bright and vivid, the scenery is beautiful, and seeing 3 of the remaining 4 castaways brought tears of joy to my eyes.

Now, I don't want to attack anyone, but a previous reviewer stated that Dawn Wells was somewhat of a nasty person for casting a less then pleasant light on Tina Louise, but...I highly doubt that all Russell Johnson and Bob Denver would have participated if it was based on lies, and even though she wasn't (apparently) the greatest person to work with, they weren't completely negative towards her...there were several scenes where everyone got along togeather and seemed very happy.

The acting in the movie was above par, especially from some of the cast...well, recreating the cast. The actor chosen to play Alan Hale bore a STRIKING resembelance to The Skipper himself, and Jim Bacus' character was played perfectly! The rest of the cast did a wonderful job, but were slightly overshadowed by the standouts.

The narroration by the actual cast (Dawn, Russell, and Bob) was great, and really made me feel special, like they were letting my family and I in personally on secrets of the years past.

I loved this movie, and am SO glad that it was the success that it was in the ratings! It deserved to be one of the highest rated TV Movies, because in my oppinion, it was one of the best! Dawn Wells, Russell Johnson, and Bob Denver still look, act, and seem as wonderful as they were nearly 40 years ago (oh my gosh....I can't believe it has been THAT LONG!) I will always and forever be one of the biggest Gilligan's Island fans out there...and I am glad that the network finally realized that they had a goldmine in bringing back memories for all of us to remember, and enjoy!

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