LL and Gabriel good chemistry, but lame story and lame actors tired tired tired, old...
2 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting this to be a standard chic flick, however, it was a little more than that. Problem is virtually everyone else in the cast is so lame and ham fisted that even the great chemistry between Gabriel Union and LL Cool J can't save the film.

It's too bad because there are some downright hilarious scenes, and some really good dialogue (almost all of it between LL and Gabriel). But the first half is just lame, the ending is so smarmly wrapped up in a happy feel good way (talk about ridiculous paint by the numbers), and for the most part, Gabriel's character (Eva) is just so horrid that you can't stand her presence on the screen. Unless perhaps you are of the female persuasion, then you probably relished it.

I suppose that's the point, but it went so overboard that it ends up making the movie just a pain of torture to watch whenever Eva gets in her "mood".

And what was the point of that musical number at the beginning anyway??

Don't bother. But its too bad cause the film had a chance..

Rating 4.5 out of 10
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