Review of Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong (1981 Video Game)
How high can you get?
20 February 2002
Donkey Kong: the game, the myth, the monkey!

In any discussion of classic video games, Donkey Kong will turn up automatically (right behind Pac Man, maybe) and rightly so, since this is one of the best games of the '80s featuring our man Mario!

Seems the beautiful Princess has been captured by the nasty Donkey (short for "Darned-Monkey"?) Kong, who climbs up building girders and stomps, beats his chest and throws flammable barrels at Mario to warn him away. Your mission: climb, jump and use your clown hammer to beat back the barrels and flames that block your way and defeat the ape and save the day.

How well you do depends on, as the game asks, how high you can get up the buildings you must climb. It's not as easy as it sounds, and both Atari and Dan Kitchen are to be commended for creating an addictive game that you'll have fun with trying to get the Princess time and time again.

I know my allowance was depleted weekly trying to get the best of that game. How much more can you praise a game than that?

Ten stars and a gold-plated banana for "Donkey Kong", the king of video games! Yay, Mario!
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