Review of 2030 CE

2030 CE (2002–2003)
Pure Crap.
6 June 2003
This series is basically about a semi-post-apocalyptic world in which no one lives beyond the age of thirty. There is a cliched ongoing conflict between normal people and superhumans which in this series are called 'tubers'. The writing is bad, un-original and reeks of amateurism. The f/x can be summed up in one word, SAD. And the acting is some of the most disgusting, pathetic, disgraceful acting I've ever seen. The actors are all teenagers, which is almost always a huge mistake to do in a movie or series that is serious in nature, and they were probably all probably from the same school near the filming location. I can't see anyone enjoying this series unless they are a little kid or some kind of idiot.
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