My kid loved it...
22 November 2003
...and that is probably the idea...right? I have read some criticisms on this board and others and came away with the general idea that I would hate this. The fact is that I really liked this film and maybe the people criticizing should stop holding off on their indie-film reviews for a film that was going to be an overt massive marketing commodity from the start. To read some of these diatribes you would think that people wanted the exact storyline from the book or something close to it. Well, then it would have been a 15 minute movie. This movie IS what it IS...a campy and silly film geared towards young kids with large disposable incomes and not arrested developmental adults that wish they were young kids with large disposable incomes. Sure...Myers sounded a little too much like the Lion in Wizard of Oz sometimes and yes the screenplay was not on par with On the Waterfront, but my kid laughed and left the theater wanting to see it again. My big problem was that a Beatles classic like "Getting Better" had to be ripped off by some two bit pop band!!!
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