Review of Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2 (2004)
WAY better then the first.
23 September 2004
My sister, our friend Sarah, and I all went together to see "Spiderman" opening night. When the sequel came out, we promised to go to a matinée. Opening night of spiderman was like going to a rock concert thats how packed it was (It was so packed it took us a half hour to leave the theatre!). When we went to go see number 2, we thought that the matinée would be better. We were so wrong. It was as packed as the opening night was 2 years ago. This all has nothing to do with the movie, I know, but I have to include the massive impact that Spiderman has on our culture. Spiderman 2 kicked major ass. It was excellent. The story was great and the villain was better. The ending gave me chills. The whole Peter and Mary Jane story was good, (even though I felt that the villain didn't have to use her as bait again). Overall an excellent entertaining movie that is better then the first.

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