Review of Red Bear

Red Bear (2002)
"Mundo grúa" meets "El Mariachi"
27 August 2003
The pulpier elements in contemporary Argentinian cinema (eg, the brilliant "Nueve reinas" with its Mametesque antics) meet more kitchen sink oriented films such as "La ciénaga" and "Mundo grúa" - and the effect is quite smashing. Director Israel Adrían Caetano tells us the story of a man who lost everything - but after seven years of prison, Oso ('bear') wants to come back to his wife and their young daughter Alicia. However, Natalia, his wife, is now living with a new man... what does Oso, the criminal, do? The answer is surprising, and no spoilers shall be contained in this short review. With its postmodernist mix of action genres (western especially) and kitchen sink drama, Caetano and his brilliant actors and actresses have created a film that is both socially aware and entertaining.
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