Miracles (2003)
Why oh Why??
3 August 2004
I happened to catch this programme while flicking through endless channels one night. At first I just watched because I recognised one of the main actors in the show (Angus MacFadyen) and thought this might be quite good. I proved myself right and after the first 15 minutes I was hooked. However I began to wonder why I'd never heard of it and why it was shown on Living TV of all channels at some ridiculous time.

I conducted a search on the internet only to find the show had aired briefly in the US and had then been cancelled. I mean why? Don't the American T.V execs appreciate a decent drama above all the disastrously awful "reality TV" which is shoved in our faces day and night?

I felt quite saddened when I tuned in the next week as I knew the programme would eventually stop abruptly and have no real ending. So it ends up like many good shows (e.g The Handler and American Gothic), not really given a chance and then cancelled after a few episodes. It makes you wonder why the writers and actors of these shows even bother when they pretty much know they'll lose out to moronic and simply awful T.V which just happens to grab the ratings.

My only hope is it will be released on DVD or maybe a miracle will happen and it will be resurrected...I can live and hope...
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