Terror Toons (2002 Video)
kind of uncomfortable.
9 March 2004
i can't believe this movie. i can't believe i watched the whole thing. i can't believe i made my friends watch it. i can't believe i'm commenting about it.

ultimately, it's blockbuster video's fault. i'm all game for watching bad movies (troll 2 is like a bright ray from heaven basking the earth in it's warm, beautiful glow) and i saw this movie on the shelf. now, blockbuster is a sort of uptight establishment, so i never expect to find anything too graphic among their

catalogue. they usually have 'r' versions of nc-17 movies, no adult section, etc.

but they had terror toons.

this movie profoundly disturbed me. i don't know if i was more uncomfortable thinking about what insane man would direct this, or who the hell these people are who're so willing to star in this...thing.

some weird fat guy gets cow-guts pulled out of his stomach in the first minute. then cut to some weird drugged-out looking girl with huge breast implants

playing the role of, i think, a 5 year old. cross-dressing parents and i don't know what else. this is like the first 5 minutes of the movie, before the terror even begins.

it's almost worth a watch, just to see what some people do in the name of

entertainment. but it's not really entertaining. and it's not very good, even in the 'bad-good' sort of way. it's just gross and excessive and seems like its about 5 hours longer than it really is.

oh, and there's apparently a sequel on the way.
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