Review of Sylvia

Sylvia (2003)
A poet's haunted marital life beautifully depicted.
23 October 2003
All biopics, like literary biographies, have a subjective slant and "Sylvia" is no exception. Christine Jeffs has given the Sylvia Plath/Ted Hughes relationship and marriage a sensitive and well-balanced presentation. Gwyneth Paltrow in the title role is as good as it a part finally worthy of her considerable talents. She brings a radiance to the early days of Plath's life with Hughes...and a very moving portrayal of a fragile, unstable woman in a sorry decline into near madness. Jeffs also is to be commended for giving poetry the important role it played in these poets' lives as well as its cultural significance. I can't praise enough the beautiful mood-appropriate cinematography of this film. Often the visual image says more than the abbreviated dialogue. Although the movie focuses on poets, its chief impact lies in the way the characters relate and the human struggle in dealing with life. I highly recommend it to all who care about such things.
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