For those of us who still want to feel good about a movie...
10 March 2004
I read some comments by some "hardened" movie reviewers that referred to this film as 'syrupy' and 'molasses drenched.' I suppose they and the majority of the movie paying public does not appreciate this kind of film.

As for myself, it touched my emotions deeply. It made me laugh, weep and haunted me for days after I saw it. Movies that do this for me are the ones I treasure.

I know there is a sector of the public that appreciate this kind of movie that touches feelings we all have, without assaulting the senses with graphic violence, sex, and disturbing images. Too bad there aren't more of them.

"Secondhand Lions" is the kind of film for those of us who still want to come away feeling good about a movie and feel that the things we value most in life are worth believing in after all.

Thank you, Tim McCanlies for a special, joyous movie experience.
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