Lord of the Piercing (2002 TV Short)
7 January 2003
I've read some pretty bad reviews of this little parody, mostly from people who thought it was simply bad taste. But Lord of the Piercing is not the title that you give to something that you expect to be entered into the Short Film Hall of Fame. Sure, it was mostly childish humor, but if there is a place for bad humor, this is it. Before you condemn this little comedy for being tasteless, keep in mind that they make full length feature films out of this same kind of humor and then charge 8 or 9 dollars to see it at the theaters.

Lord of the Piercing is a good-natured parody of The Fellowship of the Ring that has it's place as an intro skit at the Academy Awards ceremony and as a little extra tidbit on the DVD. It is nothing more than that and it knows that, and that commands some respect in itself. Besides that, it was hilarious! Jack Black continues to grow as one of the funniest men working in the movies today (which is good, considering having performed several unenviable roles, such as that in Cable Guy and, even more, The Jackal).

No one has seen him in Run Ronnie Run yet, because at the time I'm writing this review, that movie has yet to be released because of it's extremely vulgar content (much of which involves a song performance by Jack Black), but I seriously hope they get moving on that. I saw it at an advance screening almost two years ago and just about fell out of my chair laughing.

Jack Black proves himself more and more with every performance that he delivers, and even the wooden and virtually talentless Sarah Michelle Gellar had some good moments in the Lord of the Piercing. They made excellent use of original footage from the film to enhance the quality of their parody, making the story that they installed that much more impressive. Bravo.
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