Lord of the Piercing (2002 TV Short)
Don't taint your viewing experience of "The Fellowship of the Ring" Extended Edition DVD by watching this unfunny parody
13 September 2003
This short parody of the Council of Elrond scene, included as an "easter egg" on the "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" Extended Edition DVD, is really not worth your time. I urge you to make better use of your time than to watch this crude, unfunny, MTV-made parody, especially when there are so many great things to explore on the Extended Edition DVD. After I finished watching it, I wondered, "This is it? This is what they give us as an easter egg on the extended version DVD of one of the best movies in recent memory? Does Peter Jackson really think that this is good enough to put on the otherwise excellent DVD of a truly spectacular film?" As another reviewer said, it's like a train wreck, you want to look away and stop watching but you can't because it's so bad. Good parodies can be incredibly funny, but this, however, is not one of them.
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