First Samuri Jack, then Justice League, now this. Man CN your on a roll (spoilers)
17 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is part Yu-Gi-Oh, part Thundar the Barbarian, part ThundarCats and part Samuri Jack. (He Man sounds just like Yami Yugi) This is Cartoon Networks 3rd original action series (fourth counting Powerpuff girls) and like the other ones its pretty cool. Of course Samuri Jack is the only true original of these three. This series has far more characters than any other CN original, I'll go over them.

The Goodies

He-Man- The alter ego of Prince Adam, who is like Hercules, he is VERY POWERFUL and a true heroe. (Just like Jack and the League) his companion is the alter ego of Prince Adam's green tiger Cringer, Battlecat.

Man at Arms- Leader of the MAsters ( a powerful group of warriors) his real name is Douncan (he has two lame names but he's a pretty cool character, I mean you would have to be a warror without getting beat up with those names.

Teela- MAn's daugther who loves who harrass Prince Adam. She's loyal and a brave fighter but I think she's a b"tch. She seemigly has a crush on He-MAn. SHe is cool but she's a b"tch

Orco- a little magic sprite who serves has comic relief. He is one of my favorite characters. His magic is weak without his wand and he does get in the way but he helps sometimes.

Sorrceress- Teela's mother who gave Adam the sword to become He-Man

MAsters- Ram man ( a bulldozer Homer Simpson like guy) Stratos (Think Birdman or Hawkman) Maney-faces (part man, part monster and part robot) Mekaneck (a cyborg with a streching neck) Buzzof (an insectoid figther who was once Stratos's enemy) Cyclone (a strom blowing gaurdian)

The baddies

Skelator- He is freaky. His face was burned right of, leaving his face bones sticking out. He's also a pretty smart guy. His minions are powerful but most of them (except Evelin and Triclopes) have limited intelligence. This way he can control them his fearsome powers. HE is the enemy of Adams father. King Randor who caused him to mutate

Panthor- Skelator's pet panther monster who is Battlecat's arch enemy

Evelin- My favorite villian in the show. She is a witch with very strong magic. She's cunning, sly, sleazy, powerful and all around diabolical. She may be evil but I have a hard time deciding who's a bigger b"tch. Her or Teela.

Beastman- a spiky ape man who can control any monster except for dragons. HE is probably the least intelligent bad guy.

Merman- a wimpy fish man who is really good only in his element.

Triclopes- a fighter with three eyes around his forehead covered by a macanical ring who is like a scientist.

Other baddies- Whiplash (an ankylosaurs man with a clubbed tail, Clawful (giant lobster man) TrapJaw (cyborg thug)

This is a pretty good show with great animation and awesome sound effects 10/10
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