they need to make this into an injectable form
14 June 2003
i am sickly obsessed with the "i love the 80s" show. its on all the time and i cant escape it. i dont even mind. i look foward to watching it. ive seen them all so many times and yet i cant be torn away. top notch stuff really. michael ian black is hilarious. he has a wealth of useless trivial knowledge that is best put to use in this arena. watch out for the mullet-love, he-man, top gun, dungeons & dragons (with a hint of journey), juliette lewis' middle school 'do, the depeche mode/morrisey psuedo-goth rant...amazing. really. the most amazing thing about it has to be its addictive quality. EVERYONE HAS TO SEE THIS JUST PUT ON VH1 I BET IT'LL BE ON.
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