Shame on you Michael Moore, shame on you
12 April 2003
This regrettable piece of anti-American rhetoric is simply appalling. Not only is it offensive, but it is simply wrong. Moore attempts to equate the NRA to the KKK by saying that the Klan was declared illegal the same year that the NRA was founded. It is true that these events occurred in the same year. What Mr. Moore fails to mention (indeed, it would ruin his point if he did) is that the law outlawing the KKK was signed into law by President Grant who, after leaving office, would become President of the NRA. Grant received major opposition from southern whites for signing the law, yet he did it nonetheless, and with outspoken vigor against the terrorist KKK. Also, the fact that the NRA was founded by former Union officers, and most of the first presidents were Union officers, is a testament to why the NRA was, in fact, an ANTI-klan organization. It is also noteworthy to mention that it was later the NRA who helped procure rifles for African-Americans to defend themselves against the KKK during the Civil Rights movement. The fact that Moore tries to link two wholly opposed organizations is not surprising given his tendency to twist facts in his "documentaries", and his love affair with the idea of racism. Sadly, Moore seems to be hell-bent on keeping the idea of wide-spread racism alive. After all, it keeps him in business, right?
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