Scarecrow Slayer (2003 Video)
2 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoilers below***

I found this movie to be extremely entertaining. The first 5 minutes before the opening credits are worth the movie rental fees. I don't believe I have seen effects this bad ever. I thought when I saw it that a couple of college students had made this for their project in some movie special effects class or something. With that thought in mind, I didn't think the movie was that bad. But now seeing that this director has directed and written movies previously put a damper on the memories of the movie. With my new knowledge, I can say in full confidence that this movie is crap and it could only have been intended to be this way. It did have its moments though. My friend and I about died when they "stars" were climbing down a rope from a window at the frat house and one fell for what seemed like 10 minutes when you noticed in the shot before that the roof was about one story off of the ground. Another good attribute of the movie is that it makes you really respect and admire good actors. Thank you Scarecrow Slayer.

Awesome movie quote, "Don't knock the Glock"

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