Review of 10.5

10.5 (2004)
The worst example of "BAD SCIENCE"
4 May 2004
Screenwriters must believe in the power of the atom. I've seen most of the disaster flicks, dating back to the 60s. I must be drawn to them because it's my long time home in Los Angeles that they always ruin. The result of these epics is seeing LA blown to bits. It's always a nuke to save LA, but it never works.

What about that computer screen showing the exact magnitude of the quakes as they happen. In REAL TIME! Did the writers ask how this is done in the real world?

This mini was a complete waste of my time and the producer's money. I simply cannot express just how bad the science was, or the acting, or the camera work. The very concept was flawed. "Let's blow up LA" has been done before.

Did a writer figure out there are interconnecting "Super Faults", 700 miles deep under the west coast? Is this how it started? Well, that's how it ended.

By the third hour of this yawner, I wanted push the buttons on those five devices and atomize this whole mess.

Did they think we would be so gullible to actually suspend our disbelief for four hours? HA!

I gave it g/naout of 10,000, simply because there was no "zero" option.
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