Review of Zebraman

Zebraman (2004)
ZEBRAMAN is brilliant.
18 September 2004
I saw Zebraman for the first, but surely NOT the last time today. I had read that it was a "spoof of the super hero genre", but I strongly disagree; Zebraman IS a true superhero, and this film is not a spoof of any kind. Sure, there is very mild slapstick, but it works perfectly well. The heart of the film is tender and hopeful, and at the end I was left in that rare state in which I could deny no possibilities. I was laughing and crying at once, knowing no boundary between the two. I love this film. The message is a simple one, but given the age in which we live, vitally important: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. I will offer no details regarding the plot or the technical innovation of the work; I only hope that this wonderful film will be seen by all, with a truly open heart. Thank you Takashi Miike...
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